JULY 13, 2024

Simple Graphic Summer Fest 2024 (1)

Luther Crest is excited to be hosting our first Summer Fest and Auction July 13, 2024! This year, we are going bigger than ever with an online auction, a bake sale, a family festival, and a silent auction. We are also excited to be bringing back an in-person live auction all happening at Luther Crest in July 2024! See the schedule of events in the maroon box for details of when and where things are happening. We look forward to seeing all your donated quilts, crafts, events, and services as part of this great fundraising event this year!

Suggestions to help Luther Crest raise the most money for camper scholarships, programming, and building needs:

  • This year, we are collecting donations of our traditional quilts and crafted gifts but are also seeking donations of services and experiences. For ideas on what would sell well, please see the backside of your Donated Item Information Form included in this envelope.
  • Please only donate new items for this online and in-person auction. Already used or re-purposed items often do not sell well.
  • If you are donating a quilt, choose a theme for your quilt, such as The North Woods or Barbi. Actual Twin (60x86), Full (76x86), Queen (82x92) & King (98x100) sizes often sell better than quilts that do not fit on a normal mattress size. Color choices that would fit in any home or décor often sell better than overly bright colors.
  • Does your donation have a fun, historic, or funny story to accompany it? Items with personal stories about where it came from, who made it, or what happened while it was being made or collected tend to have increased bidder value.

Please send any questions you may have about donations or this event to Maureen Wieland (

Schedule of Events

Most activities will shut down at 1pm for the start of the live auction. Guests will want to make sure they are registered with a bidding number before 1pm so they are ready for the live auction. Entertainment with summer staff for will be provided for young children during the live auction.

Auction items can be picked up day of by 5 pm at Luther Crest or shipping can be requested and added to the cost of the item.



  • Have a boat or know someone that does? Offer a boat ride through the chain of lakes for a group of 2 or 4 for a few hours. Maybe throw in some snacks or drinks or a ski lesson.
  • Have a boat and fishing experience? Offer a tour of the lakes with fishing guidance and gear for 2 to 4 people for a few hours.
  • Like to cook? Prepare a meal in your home for guests to come enjoy one evening. Or make frozen family to-go meals that people can take and bake on their own time.
  • Purchase movie or theater tickets for an upcoming show. Or have season tickets to a theater or athletic facility? Offer one set of tickets for the date of the winning bidders choice.
  • Own a timeshare, guest home, or Air B and B? Offer a weekend retreat or a few weekdays at your vacation home.
  • Know how to make an awesome craft, woodworking item, food item, or other useful skills? Offer an hour or two demonstration and teaching lesson to a small group interested in learning that skill and taking home something they helped create.
  • Have a favorite restaurant? Offer a gift card to any restaurant in the Alexandria area or even the Twin Cities.


  • Do you work with financial planning or tax services? Offer an hour or two consultation to help a couple prepare for retirement, investing, or the next tax season.
  • Do you work with massage therapy, chiropractic services, or other spa or personal care services? Offer a session or two for folks to enjoy on a date of their choosing.
  • Do you work at a car service provider? Offer an oil change, tire rotation, interior detailing, or other vehicle service.
  • Can you lift heavy things, know how to fix small household issues, or have experience as a plumber, electrician, or builder? Offer an hour or two of service or a discount on your company’s services.
  • Do you know how to mow lawns, rake leaves, or do yard work? Get the whole family involved and offer a few hours of yard work to the winning bidder.
  • Do you work in marketing and graphic design? Offer a consultation to a business or individual looking to grow.
  • Are you a skilled writer? Offer a consultation, a personalized story for children, a poem, or other written works.
  • Do you work for a travel agency or airline? Offer a flight, trip planning, new luggage, or other travel services.


  • Have pottery skills or know someone that does? Donate a set of mugs, bowls, plates, etc.
  • Have woodworking skills or know someone that does? Donate bowls, charcuterie boards, and artwork.
  • Have painting skills or know someone that does? Donate a piece of local art for the highest bidder to take home.
  • Epoxy crafts are trending right now. If you have the skills and materials, epoxy tables, charcuterie boards, and other art pieces are an excellent donation idea.
  • Can you make a blanket or stuffed animal out of old T-shirts? Offer a personalized craft made from the top bidder’s old shirts or jackets for an incredible memory gift.


  • While this event is being rejuvenated, we still love and look forward to the beautiful quilts that are a strong tradition at our Luther Crest auction. Large or small, donate any new quilt, table runner, comforter, or tea towels for this online and in-person live auction! Want to teach others how to do this amazing craft? Offer a quilting package or teaching demonstration for those that want to get started on their own quilting adventure.
A (2)

Calling all Luther Crest staff alumni!
July 12th (the day before the festival) is JUST FOR STAFF ALUMNI! We are hosting a alumni reunion for Luther Crest staff from any era. The afternoon will begin at 3:30pm on Friday July 12th with an open social in the Luther Crest Dining Hall (which has had some major changes if you haven't been back on site for a few years). The evening will then officially kick off with the 2024 summer staff musical at 4:30 in the Chapel. After the musical, dinner will be served in the Dining Hall at 5:30 before more open social time. The evening will conclude with a campfire worship led in combination with our 2024 summer staff!

We would love for you to then stay the night at Luther Crest to then participate in or volunteer at the festival! Please register for this event using our Campwise system (what you would use to register for summer camp).

This staff alumni reunion is free to all previous summer staff and their family. If you would like to help off set the cost of this event, please include a donation during the registration process.

If you plan to stay for the festival on Saturday July 13th and would be willing to volunteer at this major Luther Crest event, please email We would love to have staff, new and old, share their experiences and expertise at this large community event! Know that, if you choose not to volunteer at the event, you will need to purchase an event ticket through our website in advance (

Please share this information with any alumni you keep in contact with. If you have not been receiving Luther Crest emails and announcements, check us out on Facebook (luthercrest) or email to get on our alumni mailing list.

Thank you to all staff alumni who have helped live out the mission of Luther Crest through their dedication, hard work, and financial support!