You are invited to impact our missions through a special gift to Luther Crest through our DEBT REDUCTION Campaign!

Over the last decade, Luther Crest has welcomed over 75,000 people to experience the love of Jesus through on and off-site retreats and summer camp programs!  We raise over $1.5 million and secured $1.1 million in missional debt.

As we move into a NEW STRATEGIC INITIATIVE IN 2022, we set a goal to remove the debt and set the course for the next strategy at Luther Crest!

NOW…Our guests have been blessed to be able…
• to sleep in 12 new and 6 renovated cabins
• to build confidence and self-esteem through our high ropes course
• to see enhanced security with onsite staff housing
• to worship in a climate-controlled and renovated Glacial Ridge Chapel
• to gather in the Raider’s Gathering Space
• to eat and gather in an expanded Soli Deo Gloria Dining Hall in which over 350 could eat delicious food,
• to celebrate worship in the Ruach outdoor worship space down by the lake,
• to play in new green space and
• to park efficiently and effectively in a newly paved drive and parking lot!

Your commitment will ensure we move Luther Crest into the future in a great financial position!